Leaving the couch and stepping into the world outside can be difficult at the best of times, but in winter it can seem even more daunting as the wind and rain seem never-ending. However, we believe that the rewards are worth it.
We find January can be particularly rewarding when the snow is falling. A glistening white carpet laid out in front of you, trees bejewelled with shimmering ice that glitters in the pale winter sun.
It is a magical time when the world around you can seem transformed. You plod out into the unknown chill, each step resonating with a life-affirming crunch as the snow succumbs under your feet, providing a visceral joy a solid summer ground cannot replicate.
Each footstrike provides that satisfying crack as your boot sinks through the snow, the slight whiff of danger pervades as the ground unerringly distributes some unseen ice and you know your solid footing may give way at any moment.
All the while trepidation lurks underfoot as roots and ice remain hidden from view. But you continue regardless, happy to venture further into this winter wonderland.
The vista is a blessing for the eyes, striding as though atop an iced cake. You head onwards, tracking the trail for unseen danger, Gazing in awe at the unspoilt landscape as though you are the first to pass through this way, your virgin footprints the only sign of life.
In the UK this is a fleeting moment before the seasons start to spread their warm glow and the snow melts into a distant memory. The green returns to the trees and the ground underfoot become harder in the summer sun.
Embrace the month of January for it will be a long time gone. Try to make use of this time and feel the cold air on your cheeks and the joyous ground under your feet. Once you finish, find a warm log fire to soothe your frozen bones.